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FW_UPDATE(8) System Manager's Manual FW_UPDATE(8)

fw_updateinstall non-free firmware packages

fw_update [-adFnv] [-p path] [driver | file ...]

The fw_update utility installs, updates, or deletes firmware packages for driver from the Internet. If no driver is specified, the fw_update utility tries to determine which firmware is needed on the system.

Since firmware with an acceptable license is already present in OpenBSD, fw_update exists purely to deal with firmware that may not be freely distributed with OpenBSD.

The options are as follows:

Install or update firmware for all drivers. It is an error to specify this option with any driver arguments. This is enabled by default unless drivers, files or -d are specified.
Delete firmware for driver. If used without parameters, delete all firmware that is not required by a driver. If used in conjunction with -a, delete firmware for all drivers.
Download firmware only. By default downloads to the current directory. Specifying a URL with -p downloads from that URL, specifying a path downloads to that directory.
Dry run. Do not actually install or update any firmware packages; just report the steps that would be taken.
Use the firmware found at package repository path, being either a local directory or a URL, instead of the default location.
Turn on verbose output. This flag can be specified multiple times for increased verbosity.

Firmware is downloaded from release-specific directories at The files are in the format required by pkg_add(1), but direct use of pkg_add is discouraged.

The root of the system to install into.

A list of patterns used to detect needed firmware from the dmesg(8).
Used with signify(1) to verify downloaded firmware files.

pkg_add(1), dmesg(8)

The fw_update program was designed by Alexander Hall <>; it was then replaced with a perl version by Marc Espie <>. It was rewritten to be able to be run from the installer by Andrew Hewus Fresh <>.

March 9, 2022 current